Paige Vander Werff Relocates to Rapid City for AgEd Career

Last Updated 2 weeks ago

For many people, making a significant career change can be daunting—especially when it involves moving to a new town, taking on a different role, and leaving behind the familiar. But for Paige Vander Werff, it was a leap of faith that led her to a fulfilling career in agricultural event management, a pivot in her career path that she wouldn’t have considered to be an option living in rural Wisconsin and teaching in rural Minnesota.

Today, she’s making a name for herself as the Livestock Manager & AgEd Manger for the Black Hills Stock Show in Rapid City. It’s a role where she’s found her niche in organizing youth shows, cattle shows, horse sales, and agricultural education exhibits.

Paige’s journey began in a small, tight-knit farming community in rural Wisconsin, where she was raised in a family with deep agricultural roots. From a young age, she was involved in various agricultural shows, events, and activities which would eventually shape her career path.

When it came time for college, Paige knew she wanted to continue her journey into making agriculture part of her professional endeavors. She began school for AgEd but developed second thoughts part way through her first year of coursework. She shifted her sights on business and after reviewing the jobs that were an opportunity with a degree, nothing struck as deep of a chord with her as her passion for educating others about the field she loved most. She went back to AgEd and secured her first teaching position after graduation in Madison, MN – a small town with less than 2,000 people in southwestern Minnesota.

After teaching for two years, Paige felt as if something was missing. “After my internship with the Black Hills Stock Show during the summer of 2022, the idea of working in that niche of agriculture never left the back of my mind,” said Paige. With a quick, impromptu search – she found the employment listing with the organization. “I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason, and ever since I had accepted the position in May 2024, the stars have aligned and this new direction has just seemed to fall into place.”

As the Livestock Manager & AgEd Manger for the Black Hills Stock Show, Paige organizes events like the Stock Show cattle shows and horse sales–putting together publications, organizing judges and ringmen, as well as working with connections for broadcasting, advertising, and more. In addition to the Stock Show events, Paige shines strong with her former position as a teacher. While she picks out agriculture exhibit showcases for the Central States Fair, Paige has made it a goal to integrate more hands-on learning for the public rather than only watching a video or reading educational material.

“There is quite a big disconnect between the food we eat and where it comes from – especially for children. My job is to make sure we do the best we can to educate them and help them learn how food grows and gets to their plates,” said Paige.

Paige has been making leaps and bounds in her position since starting in July 2024. Not only is she making connections and learning as much as she can, she is embracing the change and is excited for the opportunities that await her as her new career adventure in Rapid City roots in.

“I never had thought of myself living in a bigger city area, but it’s been great to experience the different community events, the nightlife, and all the different restaurants Rapid City has to offer. It’s more than the one option we had in Minnesota,” Paige laughed.

To help her adjust, the team at Black Hills Stock Show has put effort into sharing the best of the community to their newest coworker. Since her friends and family are miles away, the support Paige’s coworkers have shown her in the last six months since her arrival have been second to none.

“It was a whirlwind moving here,” explained Paige. “From the time of accepting the position to finding a house with space for my horses, the summer flew by so fast, I’m finally starting to get into a routine. I’m excited to explore what the area has in the winter and be a part of the Stock Show event as a team member this year.”

Looking back, Paige is grateful for the opportunities that have come her way, even though they may have been unexpected. “I never would have imagined that I’d end up here—working with the Black Hills Stock Show, organizing agricultural events—but I’m glad I took the leap. Like I had mentioned before, everything happens for a reason.”

Paige’s journey from a position in rural Wisconsin classroom to a new role in the bustling energy of Rapid City is a testament to the power of pursuing one’s passion, being open to new opportunities, and embracing the challenges that come with change. As she continues to build her career in agricultural events, Paige Vander Werff is undoubtedly a rising star in the world of agriculture—and an inspiration to say “yes” to something new.

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