Your Input Matters: Shape the Future of Rapid City

Last Updated 7 hours ago

The City of Rapid City is currently updating its Comprehensive Plan, a blueprint for the city’s future that outlines its vision, goals, and strategies for growth and development. To ensure this plan reflects the needs and priorities of the community, the planning team is seeking input from residents.

Key Topics Covered in the Comprehensive Plan:

  • Land use
  • Transportation
  • Housing
  • Economic development
  • Community character

Importance of Business Community Input

The planning team is particularly interested in hearing from the business community about their needs and priorities.

  • Business-friendly regulations: The Comprehensive Plan will influence zoning regulations and development standards, which directly impact businesses.
  • Economic growth: Businesses can help shape these regulations to support their growth and success by participating in the planning process.

How to Get Involved

The planning team is hosting a series of family-friendly opportunities at the Dahl Arts Center. The public is invited to learn more about the Comprehensive Plan and share input. Enjoy free root beer floats, snacks, and kids’ activities. The events will also feature:

  • Interactive Displays: Get a snapshot of the city’s current status through informative boards. Share your thoughts on what the future should look like.
  • Mapping Exercise: Participate in an interactive map to give your input on future growth and development, and where opportunities for improvements are.
  • Element Stations: Visit stations based on key elements in the Comprehensive Plan such as housing, economy, land use, and more. Engage in a fun voting activity to help identify community priorities.

The open house opportunities at the Dahl Arts Center will be:
  • September 24th from 4:00-7:30 PM
  • September 25th from 12:00-2:00 PM
  • September 25th from 4:00-7:30 PM

Importance of Business Community Input

“As the local chamber of commerce and economic development organization, Elevate Rapid City is committed to advocating for the business community,” said Garth Wadsworth, Senior Public Policy Director at Elevate Rapid City. “We encourage local businesses to participate in the Comprehensive Plan update and help shape the future of our city.”

The Comprehensive Plan will influence zoning regulations and development standards, which directly impact businesses. By participating in the planning process, businesses can help shape these regulations to support their growth and success.

Your input is essential to creating a better future for Rapid City. If you cannot attend in person, you may provide input online at the Comprehensive Plan website.

This article was developed by Elevate Rapid City. As the premier western South Dakota economic and community development organization, Elevate assists businesses with business advocacy, access to resources, workforce solutions and more. The organization operates a full-time Market Research Center: a one-stop-shop for market research and competitive intelligence services in the Black Hills region

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