Earn Professional Development Hours with South Dakota Mines’ Rocker Days Short Course

Last Updated 5 days ago

Professionals seeking to expand their knowledge and earn valuable professional development hours are invited to attend the Sustainable Engineering Short Course, hosted by Dr. Heidi Sieverding, Civil Engineering Professor at South Dakota Mines. This course takes place on Friday, September 20, 2024, from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm at the Pearson Alumni Center.

Designed for professionals at any stage of their career, this course offers insights into how sustainability can be seamlessly integrated into engineering practices. As sustainability becomes a key consideration in the engineering field, this course will equip participants with the knowledge and tools to meet the growing expectations for sustainable development in their projects.

What You’ll Learn:
  • The core principles of sustainable engineering
  • The triple bottom-line approach to sustainability
  • Life cycle assessment methodologies
  • Key sustainability metrics and indicators
  • Best practices for sustainable design and construction
  • Real-world case studies showcasing successful sustainable engineering projects

With rising awareness of challenges like resource depletion, climate change, and overconsumption—highlighted by estimates such as Earth Overshoot, which indicates it would take 5.1 Earths to sustain a global population living like the average American—engineers are increasingly tasked with finding sustainable solutions. This course will provide a comprehensive foundation in sustainability concepts critical to navigating these challenges.

Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your expertise in sustainable engineering.

Register here to secure your spot and earn professional development hours.

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