2024 Black Hills Defense and Industry Symposium

Last Updated 1 week ago

The Black Hills Defense and Industry Symposium is coming to The Box Elder Events Center, April 10- 11, 2024. This annual event will bring leaders of academia, research, industry, military, and the Black Hills communities together for meaningful dialogue on the importance of defense investment in western South Dakota. Leaders will discuss how attendees can contribute to solutions for stronger national defense and bolster regional economic development.

The 2024 Symposium will feature high level discussions and breakout sessions regarding PFOS/PFOA, critical minerals, Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR), partnerships between prime and sub-contractors, military family quality of life, along with important information regarding the B-21 Raider.

April 10th will feature a panel of military and civilian experts sharing their thoughts as participants in a simulation called The Perils of Theater Nuclear Escalation War Games. All Symposium guests and dignitaries are invited to the South Dakota Mines Welcome Reception that evening beginning at 5 pm in the Foyer.

The featured speakers for the morning of Thursday, April 11, will be Congressman Dusty Johnson and Major General Mark Morrell, the Adjutant General of the South Dakota National Guard. Thursday’s afternoon featured speakers will be Lieutenant General Caroline Miller, Deputy Chief of Staff for Manpower, Personnel, and Services, Headquarters U.S. Air Force, the Pentagon, Arlington, Virginia.

Click here to view the full agenda of the 2024 Black Hills Defense & Industry Symposium.

Registration is now open at www.bhsymposium.com.

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